Spiritual Growth

The Soul Guide Community

The Soul Guide Community organizes various gatherings and retreats that grow the spiritual life of not just our church members but many in the wider Durban area.

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We run quiet days, spiritual growth courses, retreats in the city, individually guided prayer retreats and workshops on prayer and other topics.

Individualy Guided Retreat and Prayer Workshop

Today was a memorable day at Musgrave Methodist. An individually guided retreat in daily life began with a prayer workshop on contemplative prayer. Dr. Annemarie Paulin-Campbell led with an opening talk and the rest of the day others led by guiding us through different experiences of prayer. We had over 40 people from various denominations come and experience different ways to deepen their spiritual journey. 16 have now entered a retreat in daily life over the next week. Thanks to Annemarie Pauline-Campbell for making time to be with us.

Retreat Day at the Dennis Hurley Centre

The individuals who provided sandwiches to the Denis Hurley Center were invited on a city retreat. We gathered from various churches and faiths from the Musgrave and Durban North area. During the retreat, we experienced how our sandwiches were distributed, were exposed to the outreach work of the Denis Hurley Center, and helped with the daily lunch distribution.

We also spent time in prayer and reflection, allowing God to speak to us in a context that may have been very different from our own. We learned that God is present in the city, and we rejoiced to be a part of what God was doing.

Inside Out Course by RENOVARE

The ‘Inside Out’ course is run annually at Musgrave Methodist. Together with others, participants connect and learn as they seek a deeper life with God, renew their spiritual life, and learn to encounter God in fresh ways. The Renovare group founded by Richard Foster offer many resources for a transformative life with God.

Spirituality of Aging

The Spirituality of Aging workshop is one of many different gatherings and encounters that assist the Christian in engaging real-life issues with faith. The hope is to equip the participants to become their true- selves and become the hands and feet of Christ in the world.